Nursing Care Plans For Activity Intolerance

• Determine cause of activity intolerance (see Related Factors) and determine whether cause is physical, psychological, or motivational. Determining the cause of an illness can help lead appropriate interventions. • Assess customer for appropriateness of activity and bed rest purchases daily. Inappropriate prolonged bed rest orders may contribute to activity intolerance.

• Minimize cardiovascular deconditioning by positioning clients as near to the upright position as you can many times daily. The dangers of bed rest in the elderly are multiple, serious, quick to build up, and decrease to reverse. • If appropriate, increase activity gradually, allowing client to aid with positioning, transferring, and self-care as you can. Progress from sitting down during intercourse to dangling, to chair sitting, to position, to ambulation. Increasing activity really helps to maintain muscle power, tone, and stamina.

  • Sleeping in Late on Saturdays
  • Re-treat in 7-10 times
  • FEATURED offer
  • Shortness of breath, wheezing, or hoarseness
  • 19 weeks ago from British Columbia, Canada

• Make sure that clients change position gradually. Consider using a chair-bed (stretcher-chair) for clients who cannot get out of bed. Monitor for symptoms of activity intolerance. • When getting clients up, see for symptoms of intolerance such as nausea, pallor, dizziness, visual dimming, and impaired awareness, as well as changes in essential signs.

Heart rate and blood pressure reactions to orthostasis differ widely. • Perform range-of-motion exercises if client is unable to tolerate activity. Inactivity rapidly plays a part in muscle shortening and changes in periarticular and cartilaginous joint structure. • Refer client to physical therapy to help increase activity levels and strength. • Monitor and record client’s ability to tolerate activity: note pulse rate, blood circulation pressure, monitor pattern, dyspnea, use of accessory muscles, and pores and skin before and after activity.

• Allow for periods of rest before and after planned exertion intervals such as foods, baths, treatments, and physical activity. • Observe and document pores and skin integrity many times a day. Activity intolerance can lead to pressure ulcers. • Assess urinary incontinence related to functional ability. Assess indie ability to access the bathroom and remove and adapt clothing. The loss of functional capability that accompanies disease leads to continence problems often. • Assess for constipation.

Impaired flexibility is associated with increased risk of colon dysfunction, including constipation. • Consider dietitian referral to assess dietary needs related to activity intolerance. Severe malnutrition can lead to activity intolerance. • Refer the cardiac client to cardiac rehabilitation for assistance in developing safe exercise guidelines based on screening and medications.

Cardiac treatment exercise training increases objective methods of exercise tolerance in men and women, including seniors patients with coronary heart center and disease failing. • Ensure that the chronic pulmonary client has oxygen saturation testing with exercise. Use supplemental oxygen to keep oxygen saturation 90% or above or as prescribed with activity. • Instruct and assist COPD clients in using mindful controlled deep breathing techniques such as pursing their lip area and diaphragmatic deep breathing.